Sep 23, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Your Shelter May Provide More than Sheltering…

A surge in inflation-fueled owner-surrenders has many shelters feeling overwhelmed right now. People can no longer afford the food or vet care that their pets need, or maybe they are moving into less expensive housing that has pet restrictions – and those dogs and cats are going to end up somewhere. Filled to the breaking point with nearly 400 animals, the Humane Society of South Mississippi, a 70-year-old open-admission shelter, has basically told the public “Come back later. We are too full to accept your pet right now.”

Well, this is certainly a splash of cold water to hear, but it was preceded by a reminder of the numerous other services offered by the shelter – some of which may prevent pet relinquishment altogether: assistance with pet food and supplies, rental deposits, and even vaccines and other veterinary necessities. While many of us think of rescue for homeless pets first when talking about animal services and charities, there are several other ways shelters or animal organizations can help… many of which can be used to keep a pet from becoming homeless altogether.

★     ‘Beyond crisis’ at Indy Animal Care Services: What to know and how you can help
★     FIDO Pet Food Bank