Calling all Dog Clubs! (2015 NAIA Conference)
Hello animal lovers! Are you a member of a dog club?
If so, see if you can come as a representative of your kennel club at this year’s NAIA Conference, October 31-November 1, in Orlando, Florida!
This year’s presentations are especially valuable to dog fanciers, as we have several nationally renowned animal scientists, veterinarians, and husbandry experts speaking on the issues of breed preservation and genetic health (especially in the face of shrinking gene pools) — this is all highly useful information that can be put to practical use in breeding programs – improving the health and well-being of the dogs we all love!
This is going to be a great conference, and we hope to see your club represented!
For more conference details, including signup and lodging information, click here. And if you aren’t sure, check to see if your club is already a member of NAIA — if so, you will receive a discount, but please contact soon via email or phone to make arrangements!
Conference Information Link: naiaonline.org/get-involved/naia-annual-conference
Email: naia@naiaonline.org