Olympic Gold and Going (Home) to the Dogs
Over the last few weeks, Gabby Douglas has won two gold medals, been immortalized on cereal boxes everywhere, and endured two losses as well as grotesque criticism of her patriotism and hair (don’t you people have anything better to do?). Lots of highs, a few lows — it’s been an eventful period of her life, to say the least.
So when it’s all over and done, when she’s finally free, what does she look forward to most? Does she wanna go to Disneyland?
No, actually she’s looking forward to spending time with her dogs.
Good answer, Gabby!
When you deal with issues surrounding animal care and husbandry as often as we do, discussions about animals inevitably revolve around what we do for them. We look after their health and feed them the best food we can afford. We provide them with shelter and safety. We tend to their physical and emotional comfort and even come up with creative ways of keeping them entertained (“intellectually stimulated” if you prefer sounding like an android).
We argue about it a lot, too.
But it’s all about what we can and should be doing for them, about finding ways of doing it better. And that’s a good thing — but an unexpected reminder of how much animals do for us, the joy they bring and how deeply important they are to people… well, that’s an awfully good thing, too.
After conquering the world at age 16, what more could a young woman possibly look forward to? Why, quality time with the pooches, of course.