NAIA 2014 Conference ~ Early Bird Admission Still Available
Hi all!
It’s that time of year again, that special time when we start gearing up for our annual conference and reminding folks that there is less than one month remaining for early bird admission!
Times are changing, if you aren’t actively helping to shape the direction and philosophy of animal welfare, you will find yourself left behind. If animals are an important part of your life — whether you are a professional, hobbyist, or simply an animal lover — this is the event for you.
As always, our conference will be chock full of presentations from world-class scientists, trainers, and conservationists, as well as hands-on workshops to provide you with valuable tools you can use to take control and shape your future.
Actively shaping your future is vital: if you’re not at the table, you’re on the table!
Stay tuned for more details on speakers and workshops in the coming days.
Our conference is at the Doubletree by Hilton in Orlando, Florida, with early bird admission available through August 15th
Click the image below for flyer.