Introducing the New NAIA Website!

Introducing the New NAIA Website!

By:  Date: 03/1/2012
National Animal Interest Alliance Faceboo Twiiter RSS
March 1, 2012

New NAIA Website
We've launched our

New Website!


Come check out and tell us what you think about our new website redesign!


Donate Online

Stay Informed, Celebrate Animals, & Protect Your Rights as a Responsible Owner!

With our website and communications revamp, it is now easier than ever to keep up with important events in the world of animals!

Visit our new website at for animal news, opinions, interviews, and educational resources. With a growing catalog of original material written by experts, we want to be your trusted source for information and advocacy.

We also hope you stay connected with NAIA by following us on Twitter, Facebook, and our official blog.

And don't forget about Capwiz! Capwiz is the NAIA Trust’s legislative tool that allows our sister group to reach thousands of people, informing and mobilizing support or opposition to animal legislation. If you haven’t already, sign up for Capwiz alerts today!

Help NAIA grow: stay connected with us, share NAIA with your friends, let us be your trusted source -- and if you are not an active member, join us today. Remember, we would not be here without you!


Patti Strand Signature

Patti Strand, NAIA National Director

National Animal Interest Alliance National Animal Interest Alliance
111 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 2660 Portland, OR 97204
Phone: (503) 761-8962

Animal Shelter Project NAIA Online Store NAIA BlogNAIA Facebook NAIA Online Blog RSS



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