Mission Statements

Mission Statement - Animal Welfare

The mission of the National Animal Interest Alliance is  to improve animal care and wellbeing, to strengthen the human-animal bond and protect the ability of people to keep animals in their lives.  Read our values statement here.

To accomplish our mission, we ...

  • Recognize that human - animal interactions take many forms;
  • Recognize that man is an integral part of any solution to an animal or environmental issue;
  • Serve as a resource for groups and individuals dedicated to responsible animal care;
  • Provide information to reporters and writers for articles, news broadcasts and books;
  • Devise and support reasonable solutions to animal welfare and environmental issues;
  • Host conferences to highlight topical issues, expose animal rights and environmental extremism and share animal welfare efforts and successes;
  • Support the victims of animal and environmental extremism;
  • Have a speakers bureau and provide experts to media, classrooms and public policy makers;
  • Counter the rhetoric of the animal rights movement;
  • Publish the NAIA Newsletter, an online publication that you can receive by signing up here;
  • Conduct campaigns and offer resolutions to help animals and animal owners;
  • Offer a library of information about various animal-related subjects;
  • Support the wise and thoughtful use of natural resources;

In addition, NAIA supports animal welfare and the rights of animal owners by

  • Helping animal control and oversight agencies write reasonable laws that target irresponsible and inhumane owners while safeguarding responsible animal ownership and use and appropriate animal husbandry practices;
  • Helping responsible animal owners defeat existing laws that unjustly restrict owners or ban breeds and species or unfairly limit the number of animals an owner can keep; and
  • Urging passage of strong laws that target vandalism, harassment, arson, bombing, and other types of domestic terrorism in the name of animal rights and environmentalism