By: Staff Date: 09/25/2004
NAIA salutes Nationwide Insurance for a ground-breaking initiative that rewards good dog behavior and responsible pet ownership with insurance.
Nationwide now offers homeowners insurance to the owners of some previously prohibited breeds and mixed breeds if the dog successfully completes the AKC Canine Good Citizen Test. The CGC is the American Kennel Club’s assessment that recognizes responsible owners of well-behaved dogs. Prior to this initiative, many insurance companies automatically excluded households with certain breeds from homeowners' insurance no matter how well- mannered the dogs, no matter how responsible the owners.
For decades the mantra among knowledgeable dog owners has been "punish the deed, not the breed." With this innovative undertaking, Nationwide Insurance has taken an important step in that direction by recognizing good dog behavior as a valuable community asset, no matter what breed or mix the dog may be.
Here’s what the company said in its announcement:
"Nationwide has begun to allow the owners of certain prohibited dog breeds to attain homeowners insurance if they provide an original copy of a certificate demonstrating successful completion of the AKC Canine Good Citizen program. This provision is currently available in limited areas and provided the applicant meets traditional underwriting requirements. The Canine Good Citizen program demonstrates responsible dog ownership and we certainly hope this change will prove successful."
Authors note: My breed has never been blacklisted, but as a dog lover who appreciates corporate good citizenship as well as canine good citizenship, I will now recommend Nationwide to everyone I know, with or without a dog.
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