
Animal Legislation

Diane Makinney, 1953-2012

By Patti Strand | Published: 02/25/2012

The strength and character of any organization originates with its members and volunteers.

Slaughter Bill is Not in Best Interests of Horses

By Dennis Foster | Published: 01/16/2012

The slaughter of horses in the United States, one of the most controversial issues in the equine world, is an emotional issue that makes it very difficult to be pragmatic despite overwhelming evidence supporting its continuation.


By Norma Bennett Woolf | Published: 01/15/2012

Congressman Sam Farr wants to ban elephants in circuses. Mayor Paul Schell of Seattle, Washington, wants his city to go a bit further and ban all wild animal acts at city facilities, and Redmond, Washington, enacted a circus animal…

Anti-Breeding Legislation Gains in Alabama

By Norma Bennett Woolf | Published: 01/11/2012

Several animal rights groups schedule conferences throughout the country to focus local activists on anti-breeding ordinances and to assist in drafting laws that provide police powers to animal control officials. Shortly after such…

SFSPCA: Mandatory Cat Licensing:  Ill-conceived and Ill-advised

By Norma Bennett Woolf | Published: 01/10/2012

The report begins with an indictment of the latest fad in animal control laws: The San Francisco SPCA has considered the various claims made for mandatory cat licensing legislation and has found little in the way of evidence - or…

Tuna Fishermen VS Environmentalists

By Norma Bennett Woolf | Published: 01/10/2012

Fishermen developed the purse seine method of catching large yellowfin tuna in 1957 and began casting these nets around dolphins swimming above schools of mature yellowfin. Even with the introduction of the back-down method of releasing…

“Dolphin Safe” Concerns Everyone

By Teresa Platt | Published: 01/10/2012

America’s “dolphin safe” policy virtually eliminated the US tuna fleet from the eastern Pacific yellowfin tuna fishery in less than three years and subjected US tuna fishermen to pressures that few fleets could…

Summary Judgment

By William Perry Pendley | Published: 01/10/2012

Years ago, when I was just starting out as an attorney, I worked on a criminal case in Wyoming that involved and alleged sexual assault. Since Wyoming had not changed the sexual assault portion of its criminal code after becoming…

Tuna Time in DC!

By Patti Strand | Published: 01/10/2012

Against overwhelming odds, the Pacific tunafleet made enormous strides in the public debate in 1995 and 1996. But all they can say now is, “Tunafish! Are we there yet?” Not quite. And everyone who cares about the oceans…

Sample Letter Opposing Ohio HB 437

By Norma Bennett Woolf | Published: 01/10/2012

I am a pet owner and dog show exhibitor involved in obedience trials and field events with my Labrador Retrievers. As a dog owner and animal lover, I realize that Ohio needs a more comprehensive animal cruelty law. Therefore, it…

Tuna Bill Sweeps Senate

By Teresa Platt | Published: 01/10/2012

After lengthy negotiations brought all but the most extreme into agreement, the International Dolphin Conservation Program Act (IDCPA) swept the United States Senate on July 30 by a vote of 99-0 and was signed into law during August…

A Clear and Present Danger for Horse Owners

By Lee Wallot | Published: 01/10/2012

Right now, animal rights activists are busy in California gathering signatures for a 1998 state initiative that is the most dangerous piece of legislation faced by horse owners to date. What makes it so dangerous? Many people, including…

NAIA responds to USDA

By Patti Strand | Published: 01/10/2012

Doris Day Animal League, an animal rights organization, has forced the US Department of Agriculture to consider dropping some kennel businesses from the Animal Welfare Act regulations because DDAL wants all dog breeders to be licensed.…

Court Gives Activist Standing to Sue on Behalf of Apes

By Norma Bennett Woolf | Published: 01/10/2012

Reversing a previous decision made by a split panel of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, the full court granted standing for Marc Jurnove to sue the US Department of Agriculture on behalf of apes held…

Who Said You Can’t Fight City Hall?

By Lyn Kalinoski | Published: 01/10/2012

Fighting any type of restrictive dog legislation is not an easy task, but dog fanciers in Toledo, Ohio, managed to defeat a five dog limit recently, thanks to some hard work and developing political strategy. We hope our experience…

The Strange Politics of the Marine Mammal Protection Act Steals Puppets from Native People

By Sheila Watt-Cloutier | Published: 01/10/2012

Over the weekend of July 17-18, American border officials in Buffalo seized six Inuit marionettes en route to a puppeteer in Rhode Island for repair. The puppets were made in Pelly Bay, a tiny Inuit village in Nunavut, of hair from…

Congress Says No to Trapping Restrictions on Wildlife Refuges

By Patti Strand | Published: 01/10/2012

The Congressional conference committee reconciling the House and Senate versions of the Interior Department funding bill eliminated the trapping ban sought by animal rights activists. The ban passed the House in July but failed…

Ohio Valley Dog Owners Help Write New Law Cincinnati Ends Long-time Breed Ban

By Norma Bennett Woolf | Published: 01/10/2012

Cincinnati dog owners had plenty to celebrate on Thanksgiving. The day before the holiday, Cincinnati City Council unanimously overturned the Queen City’s 13-year-old ban on American Staffordshire Terriers and Staffordshire…

Dog Breeds Face Plethora of Discriminatory Laws

By Norma Bennett Woolf | Published: 01/10/2012

Cincinnati, Ohio overturned its breed-specific law because it was ineffective, expensive to enforce, and inadequate to protect citizens from dangerous or vicious dogs. But the lessons of Cincinnati seem to be lost or ignored in…

Wolfdog Ban Looms on Michigan Horizon

By Norma Bennett Woolf | Published: 01/9/2012

Michigan’s planned ban on wolfdogs inches closer to passage as activists and politicians come out of the woodwork to outlaw these allegedly dangerous animals. The arguments are the same as those used against pit bulls and…

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